The Lost Dhow

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Published in Ceramics Monthly, April 2016

"I found myself returning again and again to witness a rare subset of assembled artifacts and spectacular Tang dynasty ceramics that was on view at the newest addition to Toronto, Canada’s museumscape, the Aga Khan Museum (, in 2015. “The Lost Dhow: A Discovery from the Maritime Silk Route,” guest-curated by John Vollmer, represented just over 300 out of an estimated 75,000 artifacts recovered from the 9th-century shipwreck of a dhow (a sailing ship with triangular sails used in the Indian ocean) discovered in the shallow waters of the western Java Sea in 1998. Part of what drew me in was the exhibit’s arresting use of scale and space. Diagonally marked out in vinyl tape on the floor, was a life-size, bird’s eye schematic of the vessel’s actual dimensions. The image-rich didactics were draped like sails on either side of the ship’s axis.... "