Body Interrupted
Body Interrupted

150cm x 28cm x 3cm (variable)
Earthenware, ceramic decal,Aircraft cable, raku fired rings Abstract portrait of artist’s father’s physical and life struggles.

Paisley Transplanted
Paisley Transplanted

100 multiples of 3D paisleys, in white brown and mixed white/brown agateware thrown, installed on sand. 1.2m long, height of individual pieces variable from 3” - 12”.

This piece represents the mixed South Asian and mixed-race communities living within the fabric of the urban Canadian landscape.

Family Circus
Family Circus

mixed stoneware, unglazed, thrown, hung as a mobile with aircraft cable. 5’ h x 4.5’ wide. Installed at the Daniel Spectrum Condominiums.


Similar work available upon commission.

Body Interrupted
Paisley Transplanted
Family Circus
Body Interrupted

150cm x 28cm x 3cm (variable)
Earthenware, ceramic decal,Aircraft cable, raku fired rings Abstract portrait of artist’s father’s physical and life struggles.

Paisley Transplanted

100 multiples of 3D paisleys, in white brown and mixed white/brown agateware thrown, installed on sand. 1.2m long, height of individual pieces variable from 3” - 12”.

This piece represents the mixed South Asian and mixed-race communities living within the fabric of the urban Canadian landscape.

Family Circus

mixed stoneware, unglazed, thrown, hung as a mobile with aircraft cable. 5’ h x 4.5’ wide. Installed at the Daniel Spectrum Condominiums.


Similar work available upon commission.

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